101 Most Useful Korean Words and Phrases
101 Most Useful Korean Words and Phrases
While there is no perfectly accurate way to measure progress in Korean learning, or in any language for that matter, the size of your vocabulary is most likely the most important factor to consider. Some words and phrases are more useful than other so with that in mind, we decided to compile a list of what we think are the 101 most useful words and phrases in the Korean language. A few different factors was taken into consideration, like importance to the Korean culture (including k-dramas and k-pop), how likely you are to use, or hear, them as a beginner, and how early they tend to appear in the textbooks. A good balance also felt important. Anyway, if you know the meaning of all of these, you are indeed off to a good start!
Both the romanized reading and the hangul are listed to accomodate both those who have yet to learn hangul and those who already have.
How many do you know?
Everyday Phrases (Written in polite form unless otherwise mentioned)
1. 안녕하세요 (annyeong-haseyo) – Hello, Good day, Good morning, Good Evening
2. 감사합니다 (kamsahamnida) – Thank you
3. 만나서 반가워요 (mannaseo bangawoyo) – Nice to meet you
4. 오랜만이에요 (orenmanieyo) – Long time no see
5. 잘자요 (jaljayo)- Good night
6. 맛있어요 (masisseoyo) – It’s delicious
7. 네 (ne) – Yes
8. 아니요 (aniyo) – No
9. 몇 살이에요? (myut-sal-ee-eh-yo?) – How old are you?
10. 잘 지냈어요? (Jal ji-naesso-yo?)- How have you been doing?
11. 실례지만 (shilejiman)… – Excuse me, but…
12. 사랑해 (saranghae) – I love you (Informal)
13. 죄송합니다 (joesonghamnida) – I’m sorry.
14. 미안해요 (mianhaeyo)- I’m sorry.
15. 보고싶어 (bogoshipo) – I miss you (informal)
16. …주세요 (…juseyo)- Please, give me…
17. 재미있어요 (jaemi-isseoyo) – It’s fun/interesting
18. 이름이 뭐예요? (ireumi mwoyeyo?) – What is your name?
19. 괜찮아요 (gwenchanayo)- I’m ok
20. 지금 몇 시예요? (jigeum myut shiyeyo?) – What time is it?
21. 소주 (soju) – Soju
22. 막걸리 (makgeolli) – Makgeolli
23. 맥주 (maekju) – Beer
24. 김치 (kimchi) – Kimchi
25. 비빔밥 (bibimbap) – Bibimbap
26. 술 (sul) – Alcohol
27. 물 (mul) – Water
28. 식당 (sikdang) – Restaurant
Verbs (Dictionary form)
29. 마시다 (mashi-da) -To Drink
30. 먹다 (meok-da) – To Eat
31. 자다 (ja-da)- To Sleep
32. 가다 (ka-da) – To Go
33. 오다 (o-da) – To Come
34. 모르다 (moreu-da) – To not know
35. 알다 (al-da) – To know
36. 있다 (itt-da) – To exist, to have
37. 없다 (eop-da) – To not exist
38. 이다 (i-da) – To be
39. 하다 (ha-da) – To do
40. 살다 (sal-da) – To live
41. 생각하다 (saenggakha-da) – To think
42. 만나다 (manna-da) – To meet
43. 사다 (sa-da) – To buy
44. 좋아하다 / 좋다 (joaha-da / joh-da) – To like
45. 싫어하다 / 싫다 (shiroha-da / shil-da) – To dislike
Appearance (Adjectives in dictionary form)
46. 예쁘다 (yeppuda)- To be pretty
47. 잘생겼다 (jal-saeng-gyeotta) – To be handsome
48. 아름답다 (arumdabda) – To be beautiful
49. 귀엽다 (gwiyeobda) – To be cute
50. 강아지 (gangaji) – Puppy – 개 (kae) means dog
51. 고양이 (goyangi) – Cat
52. 이거 얼마예요? (igeo eolmayeyo?) – How much is this?
53. 값 (gab) – Price
54. 가게 (kage) – Store
55. 옷 (ott) – Clothes
56. 모자 (moja) – Hat
57. 핸드폰 (haendeupon) – Cell phone
58. 전화 (jeonhwa) – Phone
59. 컴퓨터 (keompyuteo) – Computer
60. 카톡 (katok) – Short for Kakao Talk – Popular chatting app in Korea
61. 자동차 (jadongcha) – Car
62. 오빠 (oppa) – Older brother (used by female)
63. 누나 (noona) – Older sister (used by male)
64. 언니 (eonni) – Older sister (used by female)
65. 형 (hyeong) – Older brother (used by male)
66. 아버지 (abeoji) – Dad
67. 어머니 (eomeoni) – Mom
68. 동생 (dongsaeng) – Younger sibling
69. 가족 (kajok)- Family
70. 집 (jib) – House
71. 학교 (hakkyo)- School
72. 학생 (haksaeng)- Student
73. 책 (chaek) – Book
74. 가방 (kabang) – Bag
75. 나라 (nara) – Country
76. 한국 (hankook) – Korea
77. 일본 (ilbon) – Japan
78. 중국 (jungguk) – China
79. 미국 (miguk)- America
80. 영국 (yeongguk) – England
81. 한국어 (hangukeo) – Korean language
82. 왜 (wae) – why
83. 무엇 (mooeot) – what
84. 언제 (eonje) – when
85. 아줌마 (ajumma) – older woman
86. 아저씨 (ajusshi) – somewhat old, middle-aged, man
87. 누구 (nugu) – who
88. 노래 (norae) – Song – 노래방 (noraebang) means karaoke room
89. 음악 (eumak) – Music
90. 시간 (shigan) – Time
91. 오늘 (oneul) – Today
92. 내일 (naeil)- Tomorrow
93. 어제 (eoje) – Yesterday
94. 조금 (jogeum) – A little
95. 어디 (eodi)- where
96. 미쳤어? (michyeosseo) – Are you crazy? (informal)
97. 안돼 (andwae) – No way, don’t (do it), can’t be (informal)
98. 찐자 (jinjja) – Really – Often used as a question.
99. 대박 (daebak)- Awesome, great! (slangish word)
100. 어떡해? (eotteoke?)- What am I supposed do? (informal)
101. 영화 (yeonghwa) – Movie
If you have any questions or something else you want to say (maybe we missed a word that you think should be on the list?), make sure to leave a comment and we will do our best to help you out!
By: Kimchi Cloud
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진짜 고마워요 ^^ i can now speak korean
Really thank you ♡ i will support your new always ~~
Glad to be of help! Thank you very much for your comment! ^_^
I really like your articles, very practical and useful
Thank you so much 🙂
This is just what I’m looking for!! Thankyou ^__^ Just a suggestion…but this would be perfect if you put these into Memrise (the language learning site) since it would really help!
OMMO this is so Daebak 😉
I’m from the Netherlands and I will advice dit to my friends!!!! It really helps!!! (Can you pleas more words it’s so handy!)
Thank you for the comment! We might do another list with more words in the future. 🙂
Can you do a list for school??? Like teacher or lessons???
Kamsahmnida..the words are awesome.. And helpfully
hello! i was so thankful i found this website. By the way since everyone r requesting about something might as well right?! if ur a cashier in a store or restaurant how would you interact with your customer/s ?
Daebak ! All these ınformatıons are usefull thanks a lot for this website it help me to know a little bit and i hope ill learn more and more to have a good korean language *+*
Thank you, Khawla!! Glad you like the content. ^^